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MODULE 1: Linux Fundamentals
Overview of all basic commands
Vim editor modes
Filesystem hierarchy – Basic topics
File and directories creation
Filter commands (head,tail,more,less)
Creating users and groups
Important files related
Modifying,deleting users and group
Linux permissions
Basic permissions overview
Software management
Yellowdog update modifier(yum)
Yum commands
Different runlevels
Services and daemons
MODULE 2: Why Cloud ?
Why Cloud and What is Cloud Computing?
Identify the features and benefits of cloud computing
Different types of Cloud Computing deployment model
Public Cloud, Private Cloud, Hybrid Cloud
Virtualization – An essential in cloud
Virtualization in Cloud model
Different types of virtualization
Hypervisor – Benefits
Different types of services and its difference in Cloud computing
IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
Importance of scaling in cloud computing
Different types of scaling and its applications
Issues we overcome using cloud and applications
Cost model that we use in cloud computing
MODULE 3: AWS – An overview
Describe the features of AWS
The features of AWS marketplace
Describe the features of Amazon Compute Services
Describe the features of Amazon Storage Services
Describe the features of Amazon Network Services
Describe the features of Amazon Database services
Describe about various services in AWS
Global Infrastruture – Regions and Availability Zones
Create a free tier account in AWS and onboarding
Introduction AWS management console
MODULE 4: Understand Identity Access Management of AWS
Protect your AWS by different authentication system
Password policies set for users
AWS User Account and Groups in detail
Creating custom policies in AWS
Introduction about Roles and its use
Creating Roles and associating policies
Creating programmatic access and management console access for users
Associating policies to the user and groups
MODULE 5: EC2 Instance
Describe AMI and AWS Marketplace templates
Launch a basic EC2 instance
Different types of Instances Reserved, On-demand, Spot, Dedicated
Security groups and tags for EC2 instance
Public key – Private key introduction and protecting EC2 with keys
Attaching and detaching EBS volumes
Launch an ec2 instance from an AMI
Create custom AMI and working with different region
Make use of amazon EBS volume and create snapshots
Manage the configuration of your application
Deploying a new instance from the created AMI
MODULE 6: Auto-scaling
Get Started with Auto Scaling Using the Console
Creating Launch configurations and make use of it for autoscaling groups
Maintain a Fixed Number of Running EC2 Instances
Dynamic Scaling
The lifecycle of autoscaling
Policies of autoscaling
MODULE 7: Load Balancing
Introduction to Loadbalancer (ELB)
Different types of Loadbalancer in AWS
Application Load balancer
Network Load balancer
Classic Load balancer
Migrating classic load balancer to new load balancer
Components and types of load balancing
MODULE 8: EBS (Elastic Block Storage)
Create EBS volumes
Delete EBS Volumes
Attach and detach EBS volumes with EC2 instance
Creating and deleting snapshots
MODULE 9: Object Storage in Cloud
Understanding S3 durability and redundancy
Introduction about S3 Buckets
How S3 Uploading works and how to Download
How to S3 Permissions
How to implement S3 Object Versioning S3 Lifecycle Policies
Storage Gateway
Import Export
S3 Transfer Acceleration
Glacier storage
MODULE 10: Cloud Front
Describing cloud front
Creating a cloud front distribution
Hosting a website of cloud front distribution
Implementing global restrictions
Configuring origins and behaviors
MODULE 11: Route53
Describe Hosted zones and Domain name understanding
How to create hosted zones
Hosting a website with custom domain name
Understanding routing policies
MODULE 12: AWS Security Management
Describing Security Practices for Cloud Deployment
AWS Shared Responsibilities and Securities
Importance of Cloud Trail
Describing Trust advisor
MODULE 13: Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Introduction to Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
VPC Advantages and understanding IP addressing CIDR
Default and Non-default VPC
Different Components in VPC
Describe, create, and manage Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
Amazon VPC, Private Subnet, and Public Subnet
AWS Networking, Security Groups, and Network ACLs
Configuration and management of VPN connectivity
Subnet and Subnet Mask
MODULE 14: Relational Database Service (RDS)
Introduction to RDS
Different database services of AWS: Amazon RDS, Dynamo DB, Redshift etc.
Create MYSQL RDS Instance, Oracle RDS Instance, MS SQL RDS Instance
Configuring the database
Configuring backups
Configuring the maintenance windows
Connecting to the database
MODULE 15: NDynamo DB
Creating a dynamo dB
Adding data manually
Learn about strong and eventual consistency
Calculating Read write consistency
Configuring alarms
MODULE 16: Monitoring Services
Knowledge on Cloud watch – A monitoring service
Create and Configuring Monitoring services
How to perform Setting thresholds and Configuring actions
Creating a cloud watch alarm
Getting statistics for ec2 instances
Monitoring other AWS services
Configuring Notifications
Integrating cloud watch with Auto scaling
MODULE 17: Application Services – An Overview
What is SNS
Creating a topic
Create subscription
Subscribed to the subscription
Lambda and Elastic Beanstalk
MODULE 18: AWS Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting EC2 instance
Troubleshooting using Cloud watch
Troubleshooting using ELB
Troubleshooting by using Cloud front
MODULE 19: AWS Architecture and Design
Backup and Disaster Recovery
How to manage Disaster Recovery and Backups
Best Practice for DR and Backups
AWS High Availability Design
MODULE 20: DevOps Fundamentals
An understanding of DevOps and the modern DevOps toolsets
The ability to automate all aspects of a modern code delivery and deployment pipeline using:
Source code management tools – CVS, Git
Build tools – Apache ant, Maven
Test automation tools – JUnit
Continuous Integration Tools – Jenkins, Team city
Configuration management tools – Chef, Puppet, Ansible
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